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Health Care Leaders Unite for Reform at Inaugural Community Practice Summit

In a first-time assembly of medical and health policy experts, the inaugural Community Practice Summit unfolded on January 6, 2024, in Washington, DC. This milestone event was dedicated to establishing novel collaborative efforts to address pressing issues within the health care landscape. Representatives from esteemed medical associations, including the American Urological Association, US Women’s Health Alliance, Community Oncology Alliance, Coalition of State Rheumatology Organizations, American Medical Association, and OrthoForum, converged to delineate shared priorities and champion advocacy for impactful reforms.

The summit centered on identifying shared legislative and regulatory priorities among attendees, marking the initial steps toward forming a new Community Practice Coalition to advocate for these unified goals. Attendees emphasized the imperative for Medicare payment and reimbursement reforms. The group underscored the need to alleviate administrative burdens on health care professionals and ensure expansive access to telehealth services.

Notably, shared principles underscored a collective commitment to patient-centered care, expanding access to quality health care, and advocating for fair reimbursement. Collaborative objectives included promoting innovation, supporting medical education, and addressing ethical considerations in medical practice. As the health care landscape changes, the unity displayed at the summit signaled a promising trajectory for comprehensive reforms that prioritize the needs of both clinicians and patients.

LUGPA thanks the sponsor of the Summit, Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems, Inc.

LUGPA’s First Ambulatory Surgery Center Academy

March 14-16, 2024
Walt Disney World Swan Hotel
Lake Buena Vista, FL

LUGPA’s first-ever Ambulatory Surgery Center Academy highlighted important clinical and administrative elements to developing and sustaining a safe, efficient, and high-quality ambulatory surgery center (ASC). The event covered topics on staffing, regulatory compliance, and the perils and pitfalls of various procedures performed in an ASC aimed at practices that may be considering developing an ASC as well as those that currently have an ASC.


ASCambulatory surgery center 

IDRindependant dispute resolution

Health Policy Updates

As the leading voice of independent urology group practices in the United States, LUGPA educates policymakers on the benefits of integrated urologic care. LUGPA’s Health Policy and Political Affairs committees drive grassroots efforts by developing thoughtful analysis and engaging public officials through comment letters on major legislative and regulatory proposals.

Here are some of the latest headlines from our advocacy news center:

  • Congress Releases Short-Term Funding Resolution, No Relief for Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Cut in 2024
  • LUGPA Is Fighting Pending Cuts to Physician Pay
  • House Passes the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act
  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Releases Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program Revised Guidance
  • Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act
  • Federal Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) Process Administrative Fee and Certified IDR Entity Fee Ranges Final Rule
  • Medicare Local Coverage Determination Updates
  • Health Care Leaders Unite for Reform at LUGPA’s Inaugural Community Practice Summit
  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Releases New Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule

Visit to access more of LUGPA’s advocacy updates.

Prostate Cancer Academy 2024 to Be Held in Dallas

April 4-6, 2024
Westin Irving Convention Center
Dallas, TX

Hosted by Specialty Networks and LUGPA, the Prostate Cancer Academy brings together attendees who have an active interest in increasing the quality and scope of care for patients with prostate cancer in their practices.

Receive an intensive education on the most recent breakthroughs and approvals for all stages of prostate cancer. Our expert faculty will present, discuss, and debate all available preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic, and management options for prostate cancer in a highly interactive format through didactic lectures as well as case-based and panel discussions. The meeting will start with a networking reception on Thursday afternoon and end Saturday midmorning.

Learn more and register at

The 100 available registration slots have been allocated by role: 70 MDs and 30 residents. Slots for advanced practice professionals and patient navigators may be made available at a future date.

Monthly Community Awareness Toolkit Available

In 2024, LUGPA will continue to help our members expand their voices by providing monthly awareness toolkits focusing on various important topics. Toolkits will include templates for press releases and sample social posts to help practices reach out and educate their communities about critical health and policy issues.

Download the toolkits at

Upcoming LUGPA Events

Don’t miss these upcoming LUGPA events, which provide many opportunities to connect, gather, exchange ideas, and network!

April 4-6, 2024: Prostate Cancer Academy, Westin Irving Convention Center, Dallas, Texas

April 12-13, 2024: Regional meeting, Nashville Renaissance, Nashville, Tennessee

June 7-8, 2024: Regional meeting, The Wynn, Las Vegas, Nevada


Visit for details.

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