Directory of Authors from the Journal and their last article.
Volume 11, Number 4Review Articles
Focal Therapy: A New Paradigm for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Treatment Update
Samir S TanejaBasir TareenGuilherme Godoy
Prostatic neoplasmsFocal therapyProstate-specific antigenProstatectomyPhotodynamic therapyUltrasound, high-inten sity focused, transrectalCryosurgery
Volume 18, Number 3Original Research
Health Economic Impact and Prospective Clinical Utility of Oncotype DX® Genomic Prostate Score
Michael J KemeterPhillip G FebboDavid AlbalaRuixiao LuVincy JohnDylan StoyBela DenesMarybeth McCallAlan W ShindelFrank Dubeck
Prostate cancerOncotype DX® GPSGenomic testingHealth economicsClinical utility
Volume 18, Number 3Meeting Reviews
Highlights From the 2016 American Urological Association Annual Meeting
Benjamin M BruckerDean G AssimosEllen ShapiroAlan W PartinMichael B ChancellorStacy LoebJ Curtis NickelMichael A GorinMichael K Brawer
Prostate cancerActive surveillanceDisorders of sexual developmentNephrolithiasisOveractive bladderMicrobiomeOnabotulinumtoxinAHemorrhagic cystitisInflammationFour kallikrein assayGenomic prostate score