Directory of Authors from the Journal and their last article.
Volume 18, Number 3Original Research
Health Economic Impact and Prospective Clinical Utility of Oncotype DX® Genomic Prostate Score
Michael J KemeterPhillip G FebboDavid AlbalaRuixiao LuVincy JohnDylan StoyBela DenesMarybeth McCallAlan W ShindelFrank Dubeck
Prostate cancerOncotype DX® GPSGenomic testingHealth economicsClinical utility
Volume 2, Supplement 4Supplement
Sergery, Ultrasound, Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Therapy
Therapeutic Strategies for Localized Prostate Cancer I:
E David CrawfordJohn P MulhallJohn LynchMartin I ResnickMartin E GleaveGuy VallancienKarl Pummer
Prostatic neoplasmsUltrasoundProstatectomy, radicalTherapy, adjuvant
Volume 22, Number 2Review Articles
Implementation of a Centralized, Cost-effective Call Center in a Large Urology Community Practice
Original Research
Gary M KirshStephen F KappaChris McClainKrista WallacePaul CinquinaDon LawsonMary M SmithEarl WalzBrooke Edwards
Cost effectivenessCall centerTelehealthOrganizational efficiency