Directory of Authors from the Journal and their last article.
Volume 7, Supplement 7Review Articles
Clinical Evidence Supporting the Role of Lonidamine for the Treatment of BPH
Pasquale DitonnoVito LorussoOscar SelvaggioMichele BattagliaLucio GarofaloFrancesco Paolo Selvaggi
Benign prostatic hyperplasiaProstate-specific antigenProstate volumeLonidamineInternational Prostate Symptom ScoreUroflowmetry
Volume 18, Number 3Original Research
Health Economic Impact and Prospective Clinical Utility of Oncotype DX® Genomic Prostate Score
Michael J KemeterPhillip G FebboDavid AlbalaRuixiao LuVincy JohnDylan StoyBela DenesMarybeth McCallAlan W ShindelFrank Dubeck
Prostate cancerOncotype DX® GPSGenomic testingHealth economicsClinical utility
Volume 23, Number 2Prostate Cancer
Benjamin H. LowentrittIbrahim KhilfehDominic PilonShawn DuCarmine RossiFrederic KinkeadLilian DiazJill KorsiakPatrick LefebvreGordon A Brown
Prostatic neoplasmsProstate-specific antigen (PSA)Prostate-specific antigenProstate-specific antigensCastrationAndrogen receptorAndrogen receptor antagoniststreatment effectiveness