Directory of Authors from the Journal and their last article.
Volume 17, Number 4Original Research
The 4Kscore® Test Reduces Prostate Biopsy Rates in Community and Academic Urology Practices
Jason HafronStephen M ZappalaDipen J ParekhDanielle OsterhoutJeffrey SchockRandy M ChudlerGregory M OldfordKenneth M KernenBadrinath R Konety
Prostate cancerProstate-specific antigen4KscoreGleason scoreDigital rectal examinationBiopsy rateProstate cancer prognosis
Volume 11, Number 4Review Articles
Focal Therapy: A New Paradigm for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Treatment Update
Samir S TanejaBasir TareenGuilherme Godoy
Prostatic neoplasmsFocal therapyProstate-specific antigenProstatectomyPhotodynamic therapyUltrasound, high-inten sity focused, transrectalCryosurgery
Volume 2, Supplement 4Supplement
Sergery, Ultrasound, Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Therapy
Therapeutic Strategies for Localized Prostate Cancer I:
E David CrawfordJohn P MulhallJohn LynchMartin I ResnickMartin E GleaveGuy VallancienKarl Pummer
Prostatic neoplasmsUltrasoundProstatectomy, radicalTherapy, adjuvant
Volume 8, Number 3Review Articles
The Importance of Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection in Men With Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer
Diagnostic Review
Alan W PartinH Ballentine CarterMohamad E Allaf
Prostate cancerNomogramsRadioimmunoscintigraphyLymphadenectomyClinical stagingMagnetic resonanceimagingAlgorithms