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Robert L KaneView Articles

Volume 11, Number 3Review Articles

Male Urinary Incontinence: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Preventive Interventions

Systematic Review

Tatyana A ShamliyanJean F WymanRyan PingTimothy J WiltRobert L Kane

Urinary incontinence (UI) in community-dwelling men affects quality of lifeand increases the risk of institutionalization. Observational studies and randomized,controlled trials published in English from 1990 to November 2007on the epidemiology and prevention of UI were identified in several databasesto abstract rates and adjusted odds ratios (OR) of incontinence, calculateabsolute risk difference (ARD) after clinical interventions, and synthesizeevidence with random-effects models. Of 1083 articles identified, 126 wereeligible for analysis. Pooled prevalence of UI increased with age to 21% to32% in elderly men. Poor general health, comorbidities, severe physicallimitations, cognitive impairment, stroke (pooled OR 1.54; 95% confidenceinterval [CI], 1.14-2.1), urinary tract infections (pooled OR 3.49; 95%CI, 2.33-5.23), prostate diseases, and diabetes (pooled OR 1.36; 95% CI,1.14-1.61) were associated with UI. Treatment with tolterodine alone (ARD0.17; 95% CI, 0.02-0.32) or combined with tamsulosin (ARD 0.17; 95% CI,0.08-0.25) resulted in greater self-reported benefit compared with placebo.Radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy for prostate cancer compared withwatchful waiting increased UI. Short-term prevention of UI with pelvic floormuscle rehabilitation after prostatectomy was not consistently seen acrossrandomized, controlled trials. The prevalence of incontinence increased with ageand functional dependency. Stroke, diabetes, poor general health, radiation, andsurgery for prostate cancer were associated with UI in community-dwellingmen. Men reported overall benefit from drug treatments. Limited evidence ofpreventive effects of pelvic floor rehabilitation requires future investigation.[Rev Urol. 2009;11(3):145-165 doi:10.3909/riu0416]© 2009 MedReviews, LLC

Risk factorsUrinary incontinenceRehabilitationDrug therapy

Robert OsterView Articles

Volume 20, Number 3Original Research

Accuracy in 24-hour Urine Collection at a Tertiary Center

Dean G AssimosKyle WoodCarter BoydDustin WhitakerOmotola AshorobiRobert OsterLisa HarveyRoss P Holmes

There is a paucity of studies addressing the accuracy of 24-hour urine collection for assessing stone risk parameters. Collection accuracy is thought to be essential for assigning optimal therapy for stone prevention. The objective of this study was to determine factors associated with accurate and inaccurate collections. During a 2-year period (2015-2016), 241 stone formers completed 24-hour urine collections. They were divided into accurate collectors (AC), defined as at least one accurate urine collection, and inaccurate collectors (IC). Accuracy was assessed by 24-hour urine creatinine (Cr) excretion indexed to body weight (normal: males, 20-25 mg Cr/kg; females, 15-20 mg Cr/kg). Demographic data analyzed included age, gender, race, insurance status, partner status, income, and education. Statistical analysis methods included the chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and the two-group t-test. Average age was 50.7 years at the time of collection; 50.2% were men, 86% were white, and 14% were black. Overall, 51.0% of collections were inaccurate. There was no statistical significance between AC and IC for gender (P = 0.85), race (P = 0.90), insurance status (P = 0.85), recurrence (P = 0.87), stone type (P = 0.57), education (P = 0.35), income (P = 0.42), or poverty (P = 0.35). Older age (P = 0.017) and having a partner (P = 0.022) were significantly associated with AC. The high rate of inaccurate 24-hour urine collections is a concern. The only factors we identified as influencing collection accuracy were age and partner status. These results underscore the importance of developing methods to improve the accuracy of collecting 24-hour urine samples. [Rev Urol. 2018;20(3):119–124 doi: 10.3909/riu0807] © 2018 MedReviews®, LLC

Kidney stonesMetabolic evaluation24-hour urine collectionaccuracyDemographicsSocioeconomic factors

Robert W CharlsonView Articles

Volume 21, Number 2Review Articles

Nocturia in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Management Review

Benjamin M BruckerRoger R DmochowskiW Stuart ReynoldsBenoit PeyronnetXavier GaméLauren B KruppGérard AmarencoJean-Nicolas CornuLana Zhovtis RyersonCarrie Lyn SammarcoJonathan E HowardRobert W Charlson

The prevalence of nocturia in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) is high, ranging from 20.9% to 48.8% in this population. Its underlying pathophysiology is complex and different from the non-neurogenic population. In the MS population, the pathophysiology may involve neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) such as detrusor overactivity (NDO), detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia, or detrusor underactivity resulting in reduced bladder capacity. Nocturnal polyuria is also a significant contributor to the pathogenesis of nocturia in MS patients and may be the result of specific mechanisms such as nocturnal hypertension through autonomic cardiovascular dysfunction or lack of diurnal variation of antidiuretic hormone production (ADH) due to demyelinating lesions of the spinal cord. Nocturia might be particularly burdensome in MS patients by contributing to fatigue, a common and highly debilitating symptom in this population. There is likely a complex and multidirectional relationship between nocturia, other sleep disorders, and fatigue in the MS population that has yet to be explored. The assessment of nocturia in MS should rely upon a thorough history and physical examination. Urinalysis should be done to rule out urinary tract infection, a frequency-volume chart might help elucidating the underlying mechanisms, and post-void residual volume may be of interest to screen for urinary retention that could be asymptomatic in MS patients. Other tests such as urodynamics or polysomnography are indicated in selected patients. The treatment should be tailored to the underlying cause. The first steps involve behavioral interventions and treatment of cofactors. When possible, the predominant mechanism should be addressed first. In case of predominant NDO, antimuscarinics and beta-3 agonists should be offered as a first-line treatment and intradetrusor injections of botulinum toxin as a second-line treatment. In cases of incomplete bladder emptying, clean-intermittent self-catheterization is often used as part of multiple other interventions. In cases of nocturnal polyuria, desmopressin may be offered, inclusive of use of newer formulations (desmopressin acetate nasal spray, desmopressin orally disintegrated tablet) in countries where they are approved. [Rev Urol. 2019;21(2/3):63–73] © 2019 MedReviews®, LLC

NocturiaMultiple sclerosisFatigueDesmopressinNocturnal polyuriavoiding diary

Roberto BianchiView Articles

Volume 15, Number 4Review Articles

Intracavitary Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy for Upper Urinary Tract Cancer: Current Evidence

Systematic Review

Luca CarmignaniRoberto BianchiGabriele CozziNicola MacchioneCarlo MarenghiSara MelegariMarco RossoElena TondelliAugusto MaggioniAngelica Grasso

A review of the literature was performed to summarize current evidence regarding the efficacy of topical immunotherapy and chemotherapy for upper urinary tract urothelial cell carcinoma (UUT-UCC) in terms of post-treatment recurrence rates. A Medline database literature search was performed in March 2012 using the terms upper urinary tract, urothelial cancer, bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), and mitomycin C. A total of 22 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility, and 19 studies reporting the outcomes of patients who underwent immunotherapy or chemotherapy with curative or adjuvant intent for UUT-UCC were chosen for quantitative analysis. Overall, the role of immunotherapy and chemotherapy for UUT-UCC is not firmly established. The most established practice is the treatment of carcinoma in situ (CIS) with BCG, even if a significant advantage has not yet been proven. The use of BCG as adjuvant therapy after complete resection of papillary UUT-UCC has been studied less extensively, even if recurrence rates are not significantly different than after the treatment of CIS. Only a few reports describe the use of mitomycin C, making it difficult to obtain significant evidence. [Rev Urol. 2013;15(4):145-153 doi: 10.3909/riu0579] © 2014 MedReviews®, LLC

ImmunotherapyChemotherapyBacillus Calmette-GuérinUpper urinary tractUrothelial cell carcinomaMitomycin C

Rodney J EllisView Articles

Volume 8, Supplement 1Review Articles

Fused Radioimmunoscintigraphy for Treatment Planning

Prostate Cancer Imaging

Rodney J EllisDeborah A Kaminsky

Advances in imaging technologies, including computerized tomography (CT) and single-photon emission tomography (SPECT), are improving the role of imaging in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Hybrid (SPECT/CT) imaging, in particular, shows an increased sensitivity for identification of prostate cancer. Published studies have also recently proposed a new paradigm in the administration of radiation therapy for prostate cancer, favoring doseescalation strategies to improve tumor control for localized disease. Conventional dose-escalation protocols have previously relied primarily on margin extension to the entire prostate gland to achieve dose-escalation; extending increased risk to radiosensitive normal structures. A newer strategy proposes use of advanced imaging to confine dose-escalation to biological target volumes identified on capromab pendetide SPECT/CT-fused image sets or imageguided radiation therapy (IGRT). This strategy defines a shift in radiation dosimetry and planning from uniform glandular prescription dosing with doseescalation applied generically to the peripheral regions and margin extension; to dose-escalation confinement to discrete regions of known disease as defined by focal uptake on radioimmunoscintigraphy fusion with anatomic image sets, with minimal margin extension. The introduction of advanced imaging for IGRT in prostate cancer has also introduced an improved capability for the early-identification of patients at risk for metastatic disease, where more aggressive therapeutic interventions may prove beneficial. [Rev Urol. 2006;8(suppl 1):S11-S19]

Prostate cancerRadiotherapyBrachytherapyProstaScintSPECT/CTBiological targetvolumesSurvival

Roland van VelthovenView Articles

Volume 17, Number 2Review Articles

Penile Rehabilitation Strategies Among Prostate Cancer Survivors

Treatment Update

Fouad AounAlexandre PeltierRoland van Velthoven

Despite advances in technical and surgical approaches, erectile dysfunction (ED) remains the most common complication among prostate cancer survivors, adversely impacting quality of life. This article analyzes the concept and rationale of ED rehabilitation programs in prostate cancer patients. Emphasis is placed on the pathophysiology of ED after diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer to understand the efficacy of rehabilitation programs in clinical practice. Available evidence shows that ED is a transient complication following prostate biopsy and cancer diagnosis, with no evidence to support rehabilitation programs in these patients. A small increase in ED and in the use of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors was reported in patients under active surveillance. Patients should be advised that active surveillance is unlikely to severely affect erectile function, but clinically significant changes in sexual function are possible. Focal therapy could be an intermediate option for patients demanding treatment/refusing active surveillance and invested in maintaining sexual activity. Unlike radical prostatectomy, there is no support for PDE5 inhibitor use to prevent ED after highly conformal external radiotherapy or low-dose rate brachytherapy. Despite progress in the understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for ED in prostate cancer patients, the success rates of rehabilitation programs remain low in clinical practice. Alternative strategies to prevent ED appear warranted, with attention toward neuromodulation, nerve grafting, nerve preservation, stem cell therapy, investigation of neuroprotective interventions, and further refinements of radiotherapy dosing and delivery methods. [Rev Urol. 2015;17(2):58-68 doi: 10.3909/riu0652] © 2015 MedReviews®, LLC

Prostate cancerErectile dysfunctionPenile rehabilitationPhosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitorProstaglandin E